5 Steps to create a killer email marketing campaign


5 Steps to create a killer email marketing campaign

Creating an egaging email campaign, top tips

Email marketing has been a staple part of many businesses marketing plans for years now, but how do you create an email that converts the receiver into a customer?

According to a study by Campaign Monitor, for every £1 spent on Email Marketing, there’s £44 made in return, which is considerably higher than what social media can generate. Don’t get us wrong, social media is amazing for client interaction, but when it comes to attracting new clients… email marketing is far more effective.

So to ensure you get it right next time, we decided to share our top 5 points, so you can make sure everything is on point before you push send.

1) Set up a goal

As with everything related to marketing, you need to set up a goal before you decide to run an email marketing campaign.

Whether you’re looking to generate leads, sales or to promote your brand’s latest projects, you need to be able to measure the campaigns success. This will depend firmly on what you are sending and to who. Think about why this email benefits your audience and is the content suited to them, this will help prevent high unsubscribe numbers and build a stronger relationship with your audience.

2) Don’t underestimate your subject line

First impressions always count when it comes to any marketing activity and emails are no exception. A subject line can make or break your whole campaign, so make it punchy, interesting, curious and if possible personalised, whether it be their name, location or even an interest something targeted directly at the user will make them feel special and generate great open rates!

For example:
Lee, your invite is ready to view!
Uh oh, we pressed the send button!
It’s what you’ve always wanted Lee!
Lee, fancy a pint?

Or even something very curious like: *Don’t open this email!*

3) Make the design outstanding

If a reader chooses to open your email, the next task is capturing their attention within the first few moments, standing from the crowd and not looking like every other average email.

Here are some great examples of well designed emails. To ensure a reader opens your email, the mailer needs to capture their attention immediately.

Good email examples

*Emails from

4) Content is key

Ensuring you do not bore your user is imperative! Email marketing should be used as the driving force for the user to take action.

Do not over clutter your email with huge paragraphs of text and try to guide the user through to the next stage of your journey (a website, event signup etc). This will also help you to track their progress and build future emails tailored to their interests.

5) Strong call to actions

Once you have captured the interest of your audience, the intention should be to push them towards your end goal. Whether it be clicking through to a product or reading more of a blog post the email should only be the first step in their journey.

Try to entice the click with something more engaging that just “read more” or “click here”. Tailor each link on your page to the content it is related to, it will gain far greater traction.

Here are some great examples of strong call to actions:

Great button examples for email

BONUS: Offer goodies through email

A great way to get people to engage with your emails or to sign up to receive your newsletter is to offer them something in return. Sending an Ebook, a special download or a discount, just as long as it’s valuable to your audience.

At PAGE we gain year round engagement from our customers by running fun quizzes and competitions where clients can win prizes, it strengthens our audience, keeps the PAGE brand in front of people and gives clients a break from the office norm! They love it!

Are you looking to run an Email Marketing campaign, but you don’t know how to start? Get in touch with us for guaranteed success!

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