Publicity that’s worth its weight in gold

Our Work

Publicity that’s worth its weight in gold

Golden Battery Promotion

A promotion campaign for global battery manufacturer Power-Sonic.

There’s a constant and growing global requirement for Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries, manufactured and distributed worldwide by our client Power-Sonic.

But when they asked us to devise and run an eye-catching promotion to incentivise distributors throughout Europe, we knew a straightforward image of a battery wasn’t going to cut it in terms of igniting that vital spark of interest.

PowerSonic Golden Battery Promotional designs

Remembering the childhood thrill of reading about the search for the Golden Ticket in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, we came up with an international hunt for a Golden Battery.

We figured that if we at PAGE are all still in touch with our inner child, then so is everyone else!

We gold-chromed and photographed twelve Power-Sonic batteries and then created some striking promotional material in a number of languages to support the campaign. We produced and distributed POS posters, flyers, e-shots and web banners throughout Europe…. and let the Hunt begin!

We were proved right about the inner child, as the prospect of finding a golden battery, in an order placed within a certain timeframe, caused an impressive spike in sales in the UK, France, Holland and Belgium.

The lucky customers who found a golden battery hidden in their delivery won iPads.

A huge thank you to the team at PAGE for delivering such a fantastic promotion. Engagement with our brand was increased dramatically and created so much fun for our distributors and their customers alike. We are already looking forward to next year’s campaign!

Sarah Hills – Power-Sonic

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