Facebook Canvas Ads | A Quick Introduction to the Ads


Facebook Canvas Ads | A Quick Introduction to the Ads

The average person spends over 8 hours on their phone each day, so surely mobile-based advertising is one of the most effective ways to get your brand or product noticed? 

Canvas Post Bareminerals

Introducing Facebook Canvas Adverts

Canvas posts have recently been launched onto Facebook’s mobile platform. You may have noticed them popping up on your timeline! Essentially it’s an image led storytelling experience showcasing your products, blog, brand or whatever you want potential customers to engage with.

Combining video, static images, panoramic images (that move when you tilt your phone), text, sliding image carousels, product areas (for online stores) and call to action buttons, you can draw potential clients straight from their Facebook news feed onto your website!

Canvas post are already being used by large UK brands such as Coca Cola, Mr Porter, BMW and we have recently created some for bareMinerals.

You’ll pay no more for a Canvas advert than a standard Facebook advert… Surely it’s a no-brainer. Providing your customers with a far more engaging social advert which converts those views into website visits and sales.

Check out the official Facebook Canvas page and get in touch with the team at PAGE should you need help creating your visual assets! We’d love to help!

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